
(Sometimes I have really weird conversations with characters in my head-this was one of them)

Humans are disgusting, it interests me and here I am staring at those sentences because in my head I was having the most interesting conversation about life with someone I’ve never met it was along the lines of how I found holes in reality and picked and picked at them until the wool over my eyes (and everyone else’s) was completely gone and how that was a shame because when i looked around the room was completely dark and so I wasn’t really seeing any more than when i was looking at the wool and in my opinion the wool was actually quite pretty or maybe another more accurate way you could put it would be that when the wool i had so enjoyed picking at seemed to rip off (or maybe it has not yet and i am just theorising) well the world that isn’t wool was so blinding and sharp that my eyes began to water and i began to copiously weep (and at that moment ill pause to say how funny the universe is for here i am writing in a stiff proper way that is madly unlike who i believe i am and here i am when the word copiously comes to me and i google it and it seems to fit what I’m saying) but anyway now that i am rambling ill remind you it seems i began to copiously weep and as a result i cant see anymore I’m so blinded by my own stream of tears and so i stay exactly where i was when the wool came off my eyes and I’m just standing here sobbing and eventually i realise if i keep up this amount of crying surely i will drown in my own tears in a rather Alice in wonderland way and though this thought is rather amusing it hits me that though i poetically enjoy the sight and sound of someone myself in particular drowning in their own tears the thought logically doesn’t appeal to me because the sound of drowning in salt and despair is an unpleasant thought so with this in mind the panic settles in and i begin to cry harder eventually concluding that maybe this world is a little to much and i ought to have stayed under the wool and so the water rises and rises and all the time I’m tied in between thinking that really this is quite unpleasant and as someone who doesn’t like swimming i ought to get a grip of myself if i want to avoid that inevitable fate that is rising towards me but part of me says that without the wool its cold and maybe the tears would be warmer and if i did drown than maybe I would get a decent sleep for once and eventually i manage to calm down but alas the initial panic worn off and acceptance setting in the salt has blinded me so i will have to stay where i am before venturing further or deciding that i should just accept my fate and drown, and taking you out of this thought process back into the grand central of my head the person i think I happen to be having breakfast with who somehow started the conversation in the first place and if your wondering has so far come of as bratty and seems to think there superior just stares at me as if wondering what on earth are you talking about? And so i feel the need to explain so i say to them ( and thinking about it this probably came off as rude ) sometimes I ramble a little, but I suppose this is better then being a stuck up brat, as yourself for instance and I do at least have the self awareness to realise I’m slightly mad.

(And then I realised I was having a deep conversation with a made up character and stopped)

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