Plane Shadows

The plane kicked off the ground and in a matter of moments, we were soaring through the air. Out of my window I studied the buildings as they became smaller, and suddenly, there was a sickening feeling in my chest.

Every part of me wanted to scream out until my lungs gave out. The sweat on my brow burned as it became visible. I couldn’t understand what was happening until it hit me like a carry-on falling out of the overhead. It was because he had come back. It was then that I realized I was missing time.

How did I get in this plane? I don’t remember boarding it? Where was I going? These were all questions I needed answers to. I collected myself as best as I could and turned to the woman sitting in the next row.

“Pardon me, ma’am. Where are we going?” Idiot. I could have at least covered with something like ‘do you know where the layover will be?’ Whether there was one or not, at least I wouldn’t look so suspicious.

“You know we can’t talk about that here,” she muttered under her breath. “Just stay quiet and we’ll be there before you know it.”


What kind of response was that? Is she in on it too? Dammit, i need to find out what he did and undo it. Immediately. Now the question was, will excusing myself draw suspicion? I had to try.

“I’m just going to the boys room.” The woman didn’t seem to care, only focused hard on the book in her lap. Maybe she wasn’t in on it.

In the tiny bathroom I splashed myself with the freezing cold water. I’d been in worse situations before, I just needed to think of a way to get off this plane without drawing too much attention. Best option is to go up to a flight attendant, tell them I’m having some kind of medical emergency. They’d have to land the plane for that.

I exhaled my hesitations of this plan and opened the door to find an attendant. To my surprise, that same woman was waiting for me right at the threshold, grinning to show all her teeth. I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it.

“You told me if you ever left your seat…” and that’s when I saw the pocketknife in her hand aimed straight for my chest.

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