Deep Space

“Commander, coms are down and we can’t set off without the team. What do we do?”

A still cold breeze stopped me in my tracks, I turn to Giles as a tear slid down my cheek, leaving a mark. Giles grabbed his handkerchief, hastily wiping my face, alerted.

“Sir?” He probed.

“Gather the troops Giles, we’re going on a rescue mission.” I relented. The probability of ever seeing them again was slowly dropping. I was shaken, we were in the depth of it. My leadership was taking a beating, but I trusted the others, we had made it through a range of rigorous simulation modules and survival skills training. Surely we were ready…?

“We need to use the internal GPS configuration to guide us back to the mainland, do we have a signal?” I pressed

“Negative!” Giles announced, “…the best I can do is a make shift compass, it’s getting late, if we follow the North Star we could get there on a cargo load.”

“Sounds promising Giles, prepare the troops, we’ll head for the mainland!” I asserted. Filled with a sudden surge of confidence.

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