We Should Have Listened

To anyone left,

Things would be so much better, if humanity had just listened to the warnings. If we had, then I wouldn’t be alone; I wouldn’t be writing in a journal no one else is going to read.

I wouldn’t be the last person on this god forsaken rock, the blistering heat would not scorch my skin and cause boils; I would not have had to watch the sandstorms take out the last of my food reserves.

If humanity had listened to the warnings, I would not be writing my dying words.

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-five days, that is how long I have survived since the world came to an end.

I am so fucking tired now.

The blisters on my skin are painful, I’m pretty sure they’re infected but I’m no doctor.

There are no doctors, or anyone else for that matter.

They gave us a warning decades ago, telling us what would happen if humanity didn’t stop their ways. We didn’t listen and this is what has happened.

I’m no saint, I didn’t listen either; I tried to recycle, be conscious about the importance of the environment. Let’s be honest, I did the bare bones minimum. As did everyone fucking else.

They came back, wiped out humanity, killed anyone they could to save this planet. I guess they assumed we were the parasites. A part of me thinks they were right.

No one knew what they were, some kind of extraterrestrial being maybe. Either way, I still have yet to decide if they are the dicks or if we deserved all that has come to us.

During the day, the sun is unbearable and the sands are hot enough to melt my shoes; rivers have boiled and dried up, and it is damn near impossible to grow anything. The small advantage I did have, taken away in a matter of minutes.

Daytime isn’t all that bad, night is the worst; so fucking worse. If the cold doesn’t kill, they do. They come out then, searching, as if knowing actually how many were here and how many are left to get rid of.

I can’t run anymore, even if I wanted to, I can’t. I was out for too long today, no matter how much I covered my skin, the sun is too strong. My entire back is covered in blisters, it’s too painful for me to write this let alone fucking run.

The sun is starting to set and I can hear them in the distance, waiting on the edge of the shadows. I might allow them to find me; tear me apart, eat me, or whatever the hell those things do.

God, I wish we would have listened to their warnings. None of this would being happening.

I’m getting very tired, the has sun fallen past the horizon; those things are taunting me. Tormenting me.

If anyone reads this, I can only hope what we done can be reversed. If you hear the warnings, even if you think they are crazy, fucking listen!

Undo what we did, if there are no others and I am the last; then on behave of humanity, we are sorry, we should have listened.

-Mike T.

Capt. Teals log to main hub-15th of January year: 2025 time: 1400

My team entered Mar’s atmosphere, in hopes to recover a lost satellite that was knocked off our space craft during the last brush with an astroid storm. We landed but an approaching storm indicated it would be unsafe to continue. Stayed indoor until tomorrow.

Capt. Teals log to main hub-16th of January year:2025 time:1500

My team of four, Lt. Gaum, pvt. Parker, Joul, and Marsh came back shaken; babbling about how they saw something. A creature with stick-like arms and legs, nearly chased them back to the ship. They also found what looked to be a settlement, but no man has ever inhabited this plant; it’s not possible. They’ve found the attached letter among the sands, I would like to know the meaning of this.

Capt. Teals log to main hub-17th of January year:2025 time: 0001

They took Joul, we all heard his screams. Something is out there, clawing and requesting entry; we can’t leave, they punctured our fuel tanks during the night. Their intelligent. We’re stranded and unable to defend. They now that. God, they are trying to pull the doors off. We are going to die, tell our families we love them.

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