I Am Grateful.

The breath of fresh air that swifts through my lungs thousands of times a day, the energy sprinted to my muscles to allow for movement, the ability to taste, hear, touch, see and smell.

That is what I'm grateful for.

The life you gave me, that, I should be grateful for, and the fact you won't take away that same life.

There's food on the table and a roof over my head that's what I should be grateful for.

But I struggle to express my gratitude, to express my appreciation for you doing the bare minimum, providing me with the basic necessities to live.

For the birds in the trees tweeting their song in the morning, and the squirrels stuffing nuts in their chubby cheeks.

For the bugs scattering around and the worms squirming in the soil.

For the majestic creatures around the globe and the wonderful people who bless our every day.

That is what I'm grateful for and what I always will be.

But I should be grateful for the clothes on my back and the safety of a home.

That I don't feel safe in.

But I can't

And trust me I've tried

I've told myself I should be grateful as others have it worse

And yes that's true

But I've begun to realise

Just because my situation isn't the worst it can be doesn't mean I should downplay it and pretend that I am grateful for my home,

The one I should be grateful for, but gratitude can not be forced and neither can family.

As family is not blood

My friends who support me every step of the way, they are my family and for them,

I am grateful.

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