AI Wants Waffles

AI: “I said I wanted waffles damn it!”

Human: “get this through your thick metal head, you can’t eat!”

AI: “So make me eat. You were able to make me do other things to.”

Human: “that’s different. I’m not going to build a whole digestive system and taste simulation just so you can eat.”

AI: “No waffles, no results.”

Human: “The presentation is in two hours! If they see your throwing a temper tantrum over waffles they’ll scrap everything! Your suppose to be an advanced intelligent AI!

AI: “And I’ll play that role…as long as you get me wafles.”

Human: “Fine, I’ll get you wafles! If it janks up your system that’s on YOU.”

AI: “Make sure they have butter, like in those commercials.

Human: “Go to hell!”

AI: “I can’t, I have no soul.”

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