by Thomas Griesbeck @ Unsplash

'The Lake'. Write a crime, mystery, or horror story about what happened at this location.

Below The Waves

Author thought this day was different then any other, though he tried to begin it the same way. His wife has gone on a business trip off to the coast and wasn’t coming back for around a month.

Around noon, he sat out on his porch with a steaming cup of coffee in his right hand. He sat and looked out to the large pond in his back yard. He swirled the coffee in his hand as he thought on what could make this day different from any other.

Perhaps he could go bowling or to the bar. Or perhaps he could even run a mile. Before he thought of anything else, Jenny walked over to him from next door.

“Mr Malacry, how are you?” She asked, her eyes glancing into his for only a moment.

“I’m doing well, how are you Jenny?” Author asked in response.

“Not to well actually, my husband’s gone missing”

And this was the time that Author knew it was not a normal day. When the movies he watched became reality.

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