Finally Breathe

The sky was as dark as black coffee. The stars were few that very night. A slight breeze sent chills down my spine. One letter, no envelope, and a million words in front of me. The paper crinkled and wobbled in the dim night.

“You realize once you do this , you can never go back. You understand?” His low voice grumbled in the night.

“I do. That’s exactly why I have to.” Without another word, I hand him the cold paper. Leaving him with just a souvenir of our love.

Dear love,

This is not your fault and this is not mine. No matter how much I tried this world remained too much for me. At this point you may think I am planning to end my life but it’s the far opposite. You were my world. You were my everything. I gave you my everything and left nothing for me. So I have to leave, far away. Where? That is no longer your business. You left me and thought you could crawl back into my heart. Well you did it, congratulations. When you showed up at my door five years ago saying “this was all my fault and there was no going back now”. I finally understood, to you I was a safety net that didn’t even need a second thought. I was your second rail to grab when the first fell over. Well, guess what? I’m pulling myself up, without your help. What am I going to do? Everything you told me I couldn’t. That’s why I have to say goodbye. For you, for me, and for our past selves, past love.

With love,


Tears stained my favorite coat. The ticket checker abruptly grabs my ticket .

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, I can finally breathe.”

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