The Diary Of Ashton.


10:48 am

This is so stupid.


11:31 am

A B C D E F…


12:05 pm

Hello!! My name is Ashton!


1:26 pm

That wasn’t me. I would never put so many damn exclamation marks after my name. Bleh. Well I guess since I already started writing I may as well write some more.. stupid Roscoe and Ivy. Stupid “feelings”.

Hi. My name is Ashton, but my friends have started calling me “Ash” for some reason. I think it’s stupid, my names Ashton I don’t get why you have to shorten my perfectly great name. Anyways. Just so you know, this wasn’t my idea at all. Neither did I want to do it. But my friends told me that it’s a gReAT way to get my “anger issues” out whatever that means. I’m 14, and my.. friends. Names are Roscoe, Ivy, Lucas, and Dolion. Ivy and Roscoe are the ones forcing me to do this, I don’t really think Lucas actually gives a damn and Dolion is onboard for anything that makes me miserable. I don’t like Dolion.


9:56 pm

Roscoe was reading over my shoulder and told me to stop saying rude stuff about Dolion. Then he took away this book. He was the one that told me to talk about my feelings?? And then they call me a hypocrite. Today we walked for a really long time. It can get really annoying when Roscoe is being all optimistic, like- he can FLY. No wonder he’s not tired he doesn’t have to walk miles like the rest of us. Also, I don’t get how Ivy is lasting so long out here. I didn’t know that humans could walk this far..

Anyways right now Dolion and Ivy are out collecting firewood. I don’t trust Dolion with Ivy. I should have gone with them.. Lucas is out hunting with his spear-thing. He’s probably the best Hunter out of all of us, since he has those heightened senses. I’m sitting writing at the moment and Roscoe is sleeping not to far away. Is it normal to feel like.. I don’t really know how to explain it. It almost feels like something I ate came alive in my stomach. It’s weird I don’t like it I do have to admit that Roscoe is really cute when he’s sleeping. Don’t tell him I said that.


11:43 pm

I can’t sleep. Everyone else can apparently. Roscoe slept through dinner so he didn’t eat. He’s going to be hungry in the morning and I’m not sharing my food with him. Back to why I can’t sleep though, because this is my diary not his. I can’t sleep because I keep getting this nagging feeling that something’s up with Dolion, but no one else seems to feel like he’s weird or anything. I have seen Lucas eyeing him though so maybe that’s a sign or maybe it’s just because he was getting a little too friendly with Ivy. I don’t know why he’s so overprotective of her. From what I can understand they’re really close friends, but whenever someone brings her up when she’s not around he gets flustered and his face goes red. I wonder if he’s allergic to being asked questions about her or something.



I hate them. I hate all of them. I don’t know why I ever trusted them. I figured out what that weird feeling in my stomach was though. Ivy told me about it before all this happened a couple days ago. It’s called a “crush” it means you like someone, but not in a friend way. That’s how I felt about Roscoe. But then it happened and now I’m never writing in this stupid diary again.



Hi.. this is Roscoe. The one Ash wrote about? Yeah I read all these entries. I don’t blame her for hating me, I hate me too. I made the wrongest mistake someone could ever make and now I’ve lost everyone. Ashton left, Ivy and Lucas did too, afterall the mission was over, there was no point. And that’s when I realized that it was Dolion. He was the real problem. Just like Ash kept trying to say. I’m not going to disclose what happened because I just don’t want to relive it all over again. It’s all to much. I will be keeping this diary though. Hopefully I’ll see them all again.

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