You are on date, and your date has arranged to abseil down a building. You have a huge fear of heights, yet want to impress them.
Focus on your character's emotion and what completing the task could mean for them.
Our Date
I’m standing at the top of the building getting ready to abseil. I can’t lie, I’m panicking! But I can’t make a bad impression…
“Hey are you okay?” He asks, his voice was soft with a hint of worry. I looked up at him and nodded, “we don’t have to do it if you don’t want to?”
I shook my head, “I can do it.” He smiles. “Good luck.” He placed a kiss on my cheek. And with that said, he fell backwards.
My eyes widened, I rushed towards the edge of the building. I notice he was fine, he had a big smile plastered on his face as he walked down the building.
What am I going to do?!
If I don’t do it he will think I’m a wuss.
But If I do he will see me as a badass sexy women.
Okay I’m stuck.
Also I forget to mention, I’m highly afraid of heights, but when he asked me to do this I replied. ‘I love dangerous thing, and heights!’
How stupid of me!
I need to impress this guys so I’m going to do it! My date has reached the bottom, he’s waving up at me. I wave back with a fake smile on my face, I turn to the worker.
“Has anyone ever died on this?” He smirks and shakes his head. “Don’t worry, princess.” He tightened my harness, “you’ll be fine.” I smiled at his nickname. “Thanks.”
He stared deeply into my eyes “any time princess…”