Write a pastiche of your favourite TV show.

Unlike a parody, a pastiche is a piece of work that intentionally copies another work’s style in order to celebrate it. If you find this hard to imagine, think of a very typical feature of your favourite show, and emmulate this in your writing.

Adelaide’s Cottage

A cottage, in the unknown, huddles under the cold win marching through the countryside. Under bountiful trees shedding their mass, the cottage is made from stones stacked on top of each other and covered in ivy. It’s warm, lantern-lit windows are welcoming, but they are deceiving. “Bring them to me child,” a flickering voice orders, “And I will fill their heads with wool.” The lady chuckles from her plan. She continues to scheme, “I will loosen you wings thus making you a girl again.” Making a sharp slice, scissor is played with between her fingers. “Go on.” A blue bird flies out the window in search of souls lost in the unknown. (I love Over the Garden Wall hehe, and that’s a rock fact)
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