Include the motif of clocks in a poem.
Clocks can be representative of time, life and death, and opportunities.
Time Tricks
**Time likes to trick you**
**Into believing it is the same**
**That it is kind**
**And that with time**
**All the pain **
**Will go away**
**Time lies**
**While time can help with the pain**
**It never truly goes away**
**You may start to heal**
**People may not see your pain **
**But if they care**
**They see the scars plain as day **
**Time heals the most basic of wounds **
**But it can’t heal the scars**
**That make you**
**So remember for next time**
**When someone says **
**“It will heal with time “ **
**That just like time tricks **
**Humans can lie **
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