
Submitted by Lila P

Write in the first-person perspective about a child who unexpectedly learns that they can do magic.

Narrator can be a young child. Try and capture the magic of youth. The magic itself does not necessarily have to be a typical special power.

Everyday Magic

The bright winter sun shone through the big picture window, making a warm square right in front of the coffee table. Danni was laying under the coffee table on her tummy playing with Dora, who was currently exploring the “dark green cave.”

Suddenly, Dora rushed out of the cave holding an ancient tapestry. They both ran to the giant sun soaked field behind them. Danni laid out the tapestry for further study but it was too dusty to decipher, so she picked it up and shook it.

Suddenly she stops shaking and stares in awe as thousands of tiny sun-stars spun and swirled around her. She grabbed Dora’s hand and danced in the sparkling sunshine.

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