You are enjoying a tour of an art gallery, when you notice that all the paintings are fakes, and no one seems to have noticed.
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Later On 4
After he took me to the clouds we both lived happily in heaven. One day our lord gave us the job of deciding who goes to heaven and who goes to hell (not a bad word is just a place). When I got back I heard about my son passing. A cold 87 years of his life it was his time. He was one of the people I had to choose. Me and my husband were so happy to see our son. We hugged him with joy! Him and his wife Jessica came up for us to choose we’re they go. I could not believe what Jessica turned my son into! He was tall and believed in Christ more than anyone on the earth did. He was tall and always has a bible in his hand. I was happy for my son and his wife to live with us in the Christ’s world with only perfect. This is my story about my life and how I was blessed with such perfect surroundings.
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