Write a story that centres around playing a game.
Rock, Paper, and Death
**The scale tipped in my favor. **
**My opponent picked rock twice, and that leaves it likely for them to pick scissors. That leaves me with rock. Yes! Rock! But, can they read my mind like I am now? Had they gone paper?**
**Do they know I’d be jumping rock? Had my life come to an end because I picked rock!? I panted staring the man dead in the eyes, praying.**
**Maybe I’ll play paper to be safe? Why would he play scissors? We just had a rock**
**stalemate a round ago. Perfect. Then paper, or maybe scissors to end this thing for good. If he picks rock? No paper. Paper is the best option.**
**I'm going paper.**
**The stage was set.**
**I trapped my breath until my cheeks turned blue, my heart enduring quicker and quicker speeds. A constant drum. I will pick paper. No doubt.**
**_“Rock, Paper, Scissors.”
**I yelled, sure I’d be dead. The crowd went silent and I figured that I’d be six foot under some random graveyard—God—why’d had I changed last minute? **
**My eyelid peered wide and I saw his hand signal: Paper.**
**“Yes…” I mutter, my heart too banged to speak. I had won, though, I lost my faith in myself. I guess after the stalemate he thought the same thing thing as me.**
**The thing was, he wasn't indecisive. I guess that really paid off. For now.**
**“Yes!” I screamed.**