Write a story or poem based on the theme of "Forgiveness"
A real place ?
Forgiveness, Can you imagine ? It will happen to you. It is the last breath that the old soul needs to blow . . . if they don't know how to do it yet. I had the privilege to be a part of three funerals. I can tell you this, if it is an open cremation, you will be surrounded by people who are in some way familiar with the ashes of the person who you are choosing to forgive -- relatives, friends, family members. They are going to walk around and talk to you for weeks and months after you choose to forgive. Yes, sometimes people will hate you for it, but that's life. It is true forgiveness, it is real and it must be accepted. So what is my advice? "It is not a question of forgiving. It is about getting over it. It is the beginning of real recovery. Your brain needs to get over it and get back into a real place."