Red Wellies At The Park

A shriek echoed through Regent’s Park, cutting through the delicate bird chirping and children laughing. William tensed beside her, his head beginning to scan the crowds, probably looking for the disturbance.

She could feel him preparing to run into danger, and felt her adrenaline pick up at the thought. But it didn’t matter, she reminded herself petulantly. She was an-almost- married woman now and had to listen to her almost-husband when he said silly things like “stay here, Eliza, I mean it.” Truly ridiculous.

Eliza must not have managed to contain her sigh, because William paused his search to look down at her.

Eliza rolled her eyes. Being so short next to William meant he was always looking down on her, literally, although usually also metaphorically.

“It’s fine William. Go. I’ll make my way home, so you won’t have to worry”

“You? Make your way home alone?” William snorted before resuming searching the crowds. “I should think not, Eliza. You’re apt to ‘accidentally stumble upon’ the disturbance before we’ve even separated 100 meters. No, I will escort you home and I’ll have a word with the PC at the gate” his gruff tone was belied by his warm hand coming to rest over hers on his arm. She made no move to pull away, nor did he, and they remained still, both keenly listening for where the distress may have been. They were frozen in time for a moment, a respectable couple out for a stroll, the birds chirping, a nearby swing creaking, both of them trying to disguise the tense posture and adrenaline coursing through them as they prepared to run into trouble.

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