Damsel Overdose


Was he a man,

Or a dam-sel

Was he more abstract,

Or Picas-so?

He went places alright.

She saw him all over alright,

As did she,

And she and she and she,

And maybe he?

The man,

He travelled,

But he could never,

Switch that lever,

Make up his mind,

To leave home.

But oh, did he ever did unwind.

Because he brought the remedy,

And spoke WITH the cure,

He drowned

Them in empathy,

With his unholy lure

With his meds,

He rose,

Under beds,

With a high dose.


  A rainbow of features

 Ran ‘round the red room 

Really ravenously desire

Decked out deathly and darkly

Dosed and dead another doxy.

So love and love and love

He wanders around and wants

She wants and wills and will,

Because he gives her more willing

At a higher price to alone

But there’s always a shadow

And never mind the shallow

After all, once it’s down

It crashes and burns

    It collapses and turns,

Until you’re hungover

And wrung out all over

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