Write a story or poem based on the theme of "The Past"

His past

Jordan always had a hard life ever since he was 5 when his parents started taking drugs at first it wasn’t too bad but by the time he was ten the rarely ever cared about him so he went to school every day with a smile. One day when he got home once he turned 15 they were really strung up and started hitting him he had gotten used to it in the past month but he couldn’t handle it anymore.

“I’m leaving this fucking house all you guys do is get high and beat me and I’m done I take care of myself and you guys.

He walked out with the two bags that he had been packing for weeks and they finally came to use. He walked to his girlfriends house, she had already said that he could live with her. So he finally took her up on her offer it was the only thing he could think of doing to protect himself. The next day when he woke up he went to school and then work but he did ever think that his parents would show up. He was so scared but there was a police officer who came in early every day. He saw how sprung up they were and search them they had drugs on the so they got arrested.

Jordan had to go to court and he was so scared but he just had to breathe and remember that he had his girlfriend by his side. Now a days he lives with his girlfriend with 2 kids, twins and his parents are still in jail.

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