The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes...
Use this sentence as the opening or closing line of a story.
The Final Test
The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes, almost as if a haze had lifted from around her.
“It cannot be!” A crackly voice screamed, drawing her attention to a hooded figure merely a few feet away from her own position.
The hooded figure leapt towards her, her hands sparking to life on instinct, throwing the person - or thing - against a rock wall of the dark chamber.
The fog in her mind continued to clear up, an oddly familiar name coming to the forefront.
“Mergina,” she ground out, a determination to stop the enchantress coursing through her veins. Belinda gazed around the stony room, remembering all that had transpired; her fiancés kidnapping, Mergina’s trap, and the nasty Spell of Frogetfulness she had placed on Belinda.
“You could not possibly have regained your memories! That enchantment was unbreakable! Only you would find a way out of my spells, Belinda Harrington,” Mergina cried.
“For the future, you should refrain from capturing those dearest to me,” Belinda replied, readying another blast of magic.
“Belinda?” A groggy voice called her name from somewhere behind her. “Andrew,” her own voice felt almost soft as she spoke her fiancé’s name, whirling around to meet his brown eyes with her own.
“Foolish girl!” Mergina called, a sudden blast of lightning throwing the younger woman to the ground. She groaned in pain as she slammed into the rocky floor, every nerve of her body aching.
Her fist collided with the floor sending an rangers pulse surging through the rock and knocking the enchantress off balance. “You insolent little welp!” Mergina seethed, forcing her lightning to grow in it’s strength.
A cry of pain was ripped from Belinda’s lips as the second wave of electricity hit her with all the force Mergina could muster. She tried to rise to her feet, but was continuously pushed down by the emense power, her sight and motor functions beginning to wilt under the pressure. And more exposure would surely mean the end for Belinda.
“Get away from her!” Andrew cried, rising from the expiremental table he had been lying on and rammed into the side of the enchantress. Belinda took the opportunity to muster every ounce of magic still coursing through her and blasted her with an attack of blue energy, the old hag screeching in pain as she was incinerated into ashes.
Belinda collapses to her knees, Andrew rushing to her side. He cradled her face in his hands, Belinda using her little bit of strength to cover his hands with her own.
“I love you so much you crazy woman you!” Andrew said joyously, kissing her full on the lips.
“We... were... supposed to save... that kiss... until the wedding... silly!” She replied between breaths.
“I don’t care. You matter more than some ridiculous tradition,” he pulled into his strong arms. “I’m just released that you’re safe,”
“Me too... glad you’re safe,”
Many questions were asked by the townspeople once Andrew returned, carrying his fiancé in his arms. Not all of them were answered, but two things were for certain; Mergina had been defeated, and Belinda had been the one to do it.