Unheard Sounds

It’s been 365 days

Of missing you

Of tears gathering

In crowds

Running down my cheeks

And silence

Pulsating in my ears

Time passes

And memories of you

No longer build


The way they once did

When you were here

We’d oscilate between bickering

And getting along

Between irritation

And comraderie

All the time

Love the underlying element

I felt your absence most

When the cherry blossoms bloomed

I half expected

Your raucous whooping

and senseless hollering

As I passaged beneath the trees

But all spring

The only sounds

Were the dawn chorus

And children laughing

And that hollow lungs heaving sound

That often traverses my lips now

There was no keening whoop

In the absence of your loudness

I felt regret

How had indulged in embarassment

How had i been so unaware

What a gift your loud shrieks had been

It’s been twelve months since i heard

That high pitched

grating noise

And I miss it

Like I miss you

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