Pumpkin Spice

It was autumn, red and orange carpeted the city streets of London below; the rain tapped the glass of Hallie’s apartment. Hallie was cuddled on the orange, sitcom, sofa with her adorable cat, Donut. Scrolling through her friends’ Instagram stories she received a notification.

Unknown number: how dare you!

Hallie saw opportunity

Hallie: what?

Unknown number: for standing me up you big bitch

Hallie: right… was that today?

Unknown number: fuck you

Hallie: ok.

Unknown number: do you even care?

Hallie: no not really.

Unknown number: well you seemed to, you were like ‘oooh Delilah come on let’s go out.’ and I was like

‘Let’s give it a try.’ But clearly you didn’t care.

Hallie: sounds about right.

Delilah: ?

Hallie: …

Delilah: you know what I can’t stand for this

Hallie: good for you.

Delilah: I’m telling all my friends you know

Hallie: aww man. That sucks.

Delilah: for you, yeah.

Hallie: shit, I meant for you- cause they have to listen to you complain about you getting stood up again.

Delilah: 🖕

Hallie: so I’m right?

Delilah: fuck you

Delilah proceeded to block Hallie before promptly unlocking her

Delilah: I just received a text from you, but your blocked.

Hallie: I dunno could be a wrong number…

Delilah: you think so?

Hallie: yeah, you know- pranksters.

Delilah: maybe… how can you know

Hallie: I just know. My brother was a victim of being pranked online.

Delilah: you have a brother?

Hallie: yeah… did I not tell you?

Delilah: huh, no.

Hallie: I’ve been thinking, maybe that’s why you got stood up by me, we got the date wrong

Delilah: yeah, why don’t we meet up again- Friday.

Hallie: pumpkin spice?

Delilah: you got it!

Hallie: cya Friday

Hallie then never texted Delilah again, as for Delilah…

Delilah: hello?

Delilah: where are you?

Delilah: not again, I swear to god.

Delilah: fuck you!

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