Denying X ♾️ (1.5)


I run to the hallway to breath until my next class. But it won’t help, in my next class they’ll just look at me weird. I take my phone from out my back pocket and text my brother. I can’t go to bus either, even though the trips not long, I just…I just can’t.

**Can you pick me up after school?**

In a few seconds—**Yes**



_**I agreed to pick my little brother up after school mostly out of surprise. He never asks anyone for help—ever.

So my surprise redoubles when I see him sulking, SULKING, into my rusty Ford. My brother is usually a walking, talking, living, breathing robot, but he’s sulking now.

Man, even high school changes people like Day.

The ride is quiet. I hate music while I’m driving; it’s distracting. Day is curled up in his seat, turned away from me and looking out the window.

“You good, bro?” I ask hesitantly.

He ignores my question completely and asks. “Sullivan, how did you know you were gay?”

I swerve on the road a bit. What kind of question? And from Day? Day of all people?

“Um, well,” I lick my lips. He’s looking at me now with that blank gaze behind his glasses. “I guess when I started getting hard off watching my teammates run?” I play soccer for my school, and the shorts they gave us are rather…small. Only two of my teammates know my sexuality, that’s mostly because all three of us are in a relationship with each other, but no one else knows that. Not even my mom. She knows that I’m gay though.

Day blinks. The face he’s making right now is the face that he makes when he’s organizing what someone said into a file inside his brain. Sometimes I wish that memory of his wasn’t so good. The boy probably has a thick file of blackmail on me. Not like he’d ever use it but still.

“What if,” he pauses, trying to get his thoughts straight, “What if you could get all jittery just by looking at them?”

I give him a side glance and a sly smile. “So you like someone, do you?”

His expression doesn’t change, but he starts to shake. “No,” he states.

_Yes, he does. _

Even though my little brother isn’t all that good at showing his emotions—people call him Deadpan Day for a reason—there is always that fidget or twitch of an eye that helps you see into him.

I nod my head. “Sure, sure. So why’d you ask me that anyway?”

Day shrugs. “I was just wondering.” He says as we pull up into the apartment driveway.

“Okay, little brother.” He tries to get out, but I still have the doors locked. I hold his gaze. “You know you can talk to me and mom about anything that’s bothering, right?”

Day blinks, the only show of him feeling something in my show of love, and nods. I sigh, then unlock the door to let him out. I don’t follow him, instead I lean back in my still running car and think.

My phone rings and I pull it out. I smile. It’s Octavian.

“Hey, my Roman Emperor!” He laughs on the other end when I say this.

“Hello, Sully! Where the hell are you? Lee and I can’t watch the movie without you.” Oct says.

Then Lee’s soft voice comes into my ear. “Don’t leave me with this barbarian, please,” He groans, but laughter is around the corner of his exasperation.

“Sorry guys, I forgot. Had to pick up my brother.”

Oct’s voice comes back. “Really, Deadpan Day? Or do you have another brother we should know about?”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, Day. And guess what, I think he has a crush.”

Lee murmurs something that I can’t quite here. “What did he say?” I ask.

Oct let’s put a laugh. “He said that there’s a rumor going around about this one kid hugging your brother in the middle of lunch. Tall, mixed-core kinda guy.”

“Huh.” Never thought that Day would like someone like that.

But Day’s changing. I can see it.

“Now hurry up and come, Sully!” Lee says. “We’re gonna watch _Monster’s Inc._ at Oct’s club house!”

I laugh and pull out of my driveway. “Alright alright, bye you guys.”

They say goodbye and I hang up, placing my phone down as I drive down to Octavian’s place.

My mind goes back to what they said. I grin.

“I guess I have someone to meet tomorrow.”


_(Yippee, after procrastinating, I finally have it done. Thank you all who are reading this; it really means a lot. Part 2 is tomorrow as I gotta do some stuff. Have a great day!)_

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