Delicacies Of The Past

What a fascinating specimen!

Third son of the 67th family stared at his great grandfathers leather portfolio inquiringly, holding the old thing with a delicate grip. The book was so worn and battered that he feared a slight brush of wind would disintegrate the pages into the acid air.

Third son turned away from the direction of the wind so it lightly stung his back. He straightened the first page of the book, observing the strange hand drawn specimen.

Beside the picture of a fuzzy looking thing, his grandfather had wrote out something in a secret language. Maybe the language wasn’t secret when he wrote it, but it certainly was now, as the letters were completely foreign to Third son.

“How troublesome” Third son mumbled to himself. If there were so many languages, how on earths gray skies did people managae to communicate! Life was exceedingly more simple now that eveyone spoke common tongue.

Third son could only conclude with the knowledge he had, that the secret text was in fact a recipe on how to cook it.

People once ate animals, didn’t they? And by the way the creatures body was structured, with four limbs and a fleshy human like ear, it must have been an animal.

The words near the paws likely indicated the fleshiest, most nutritious regions to consume. It would probably provide great insulin to eat during the winter. And for the summers, a nice snack to grill with friends.

I would love to cook and eat this creature! Third son thought. How lucky were the people of the past, to have such delicacies available to them. His great grandfather must have been an excellent cook for his times, cooking all sorts of animals and fuzzy possible-animals. Third sons cooking skills likely came from him!

A loud thud resonated from behind. The window shut and the wind stopped blowing on his back. The clank of heels approached him.

“Get back to work third son!” First daughter of the 120th family yelled, flicking the back of his head with her scarlet fingers. “Your delaying everyone.”

Third son scrambled to hide the book inside his apron and turned towards his boss with a forced smile. “Yes miss!”

The factory was quiet except for the buzzing of machines, and the footsteps of First daughter. Third son stood beside another cook, cutting up the body of a pale lady and sorting the parts into diffrent conveyer belts.

He robotically followed the steps he had done a thousand times before.

_Cut. _

_Sort. _

_Cut. _

_Sort. _

_Head in trash._

_Next body. _

The smell burned into his nose. Not even the mask could cover the stench.

How lucky were the people of the past. That fuzzy specimen must have tasted infinitely better than the flesh of any human.

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