Submitted by Cheyenne King
Describe a moment in life which seems to last forever.
You could write this as a poem or story, or as a descriptive paragraph.
ruby, the girl made of gold
my brother has been in love with a girl in his class named ruby since he laid eyes on her. he gives me accounts of all the things she does. how she flips her curly black locks, and how her eyes, deep and wonderful are so full of joy. he especially loves the way her chocolate brown skin glows in the sunlight . he says she has the most horrific laugh, but the most beautiful smile. that from the moment he saw her, with an oversized bright yellow backpack in the 1st grade and hair in two pig tails, that she was the prettiest girl as far as the eye can see. (besides mommy, of course, and he’ll probably yell at me for telling you he said that.) he said growing up with the ruby was the best thing that had ever happened to him. from seeing her flourish and glow was like watching the sun rise. but, he said that the moment he knew he was in love with her, was when the hiked into the forest together, on a specifically deadly drop off the side of a cliff. and ruby slipped. for a split second her face shifted from untainted joy, to impenetrable fear. fear so real, that he reached out, catching her just before she hit the rocky depths that should’ve been that girl’s demise. he said that the thought of losing her shook my baby brother right to his core, and he knew that his love was true. they shared their first kiss that night. he also said that she smelled of orange blossoms and of saltwater, and every time he stares into the sunlit ocean, he can only think of ruby. ruby, the girl made of gold. so i told this story at their wedding night, and to their 3 kids. in hopes that maybe one day, we can all find our ruby, someone who burns so bright, they set us aflame with their love as well.