
Everyone is a tree. We are trees. My tree grows but it is smaller than the other trees. My tree is just as efficient as other trees even if it is being held back from growing. My tree makes apples to make others happy. My tree has tire swings and allows others to make things out of me. Its okay if it hurts. My tree has carvings in it. Just lines. My tree is scared of being around other trees. My tree is being held back, the roots it has won't let it grow anymore. My tree allows other trees to grow above it so they have room. Its okay if my tree doesn't have room to grow as long as yours does. My tree likes to please.

The other trees gather around because they know my tree will help with any problem. My tree will give them a seed to help them grow. My tree will move so other trees have more room.

But my tree wants to grow. My tree wants to be big so it can see sunlight. But it can't grow until the anxiousness and fear are released from the roots. My tree is scared.

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