In The Golden Night

She gazed upward, admiring the vast darkness of the night sky. The stars, brightly beaming overhead, cast down upon her, providing her with the opportunity to see, in the otherwise vast, never ending dark, which loomed above. The light illuminated the throng of trees she was standing amongst, and quickly, she found herself running toward the thicket to hide herself from the man behind her.

As she ran through the forest, she heard her feet quickly hitting the earth below her. In the otherwise silent forest, each crack and crunch of the fallen bark and leaves echoed amongst the trees, giving her location away, until she decided to stop and shield herself from the man by hiding amongst the trees.

She tried to calm her racing heart, which pounded so loudly in her chest, she was certain he would hear her anxiety and fear. Placing her hand over her mouth, in an effort to control her breath, she crouched down, trying to hide herself even more, as the sound of his footsteps grew closer and closer to her in the golden night.

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