The main characters are stuck in a labyrinth; it has no exit, but they do not know that.

Write their story; how can such a story end?

The Labyrinth

We both look around anxious, how did we even get here in the first place?! We look around trying to find a way out. It feels like we’re almost going in circles but there’s no giving up. Jack flicks his brown hair out of his eyes and stares at me, “Do you think there’s a way out?” I freeze, anxious at this comment. Could it be true that there’s no way out of this place? I look side to side, looking at the cobblestone walls with vines growing out of them. “Yes, I’m positive we can get out of here” I don’t mean that. A part of me still holds on to good though as we continue on looking for the exit.

As we’re walking, Jack grabs ahold of my hand steadying me, as I wobble a bit, fatigued from walking for so long. A force a smile, “Thanks” We barely know each other, we’ve only met once in the halls at school, but that was an awkward situation. Will we ever get out of here? I just can’t imagine staying here any longer with someone I barely know. He seems nice enough though, he has nice curly brown hair, with sparkling blue eyes and a shining smile. I’ve always imagined him as a dream, so far out of my reach. He always hung out with the cool girls, and I seemed like a fan, always following along but never being in the group. I never thought I'd be here, in a maze? Labyrinth?, with him. As im thinking about all this, as soon as he grabbed my hand to steady me, he let go not long after. Still, out of my reach.

It grows late, the darkness falling on us. We see a tiny ledge hanging off of the wall, creating a little roof, that can keep us stay safe during this night. Jack twists his arms around and starts grabbing at his back, "Oh my goodness! There's been a backpack here this whole time!" My face lightens up with joy, maybe there's something that can help us through tomorow and tonight. He starts to unzip the bag and we both reach in, pulling out two waterbotlles, a sealed packet of salad, two thin jumpers and a threadlike, compact, blanket. "What are we supposed to use this blanket for?! It's not gonna keep us warm, nor will it cover up both of us. We would have to really squeeze in, but even then it wouldn't be enough! I guess the jumpers can help, but they are really thin too!" I can't help but giggle as Jack gets mad. He goes bright red and smirks, as if he's achieved something.

We put our jumpers on, still feeling cold, and lay down together. This is the closest I think I've ever been to Jack! He pulls the blanket over us, making me scooch over so I can have some blanket too. Jacks' body warmth radiates off him, making me feel at ease instantly. It has been a long day and it seems as though Jack was the one who got me through it. We each take a sip out of the waterbottles, and decide to eat the salad tomorow. We share the long backpack as a pillow, making us lay even closer together. I twist onto my side and as I do so, so does Jack. I guess we both don't want to make things to awkward between us. He has been so kind today and I wonder what its' like to be friends with him in a normal situation, like at school. I highly doubt that because of this, if we escape this place, that I will be let into their friend group. I guess its worth imagining for now...

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