‘All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue.’

Write a poem that begins or ends with this line, adapted from Alice in Wonderland. Don’t feel limited to the themes and images of the book – see where else you could go from these words.

Autumn Queen

All in a golden afternoon

Under the skies of cloudless blue

Aimlessly wandering you were

Unknowingly crossing my realm

Your remarkable charms I skipped not

Amidst the gossips and laughters

At the tea party I was hosting

Curiously I held out my hand

You courteously obliged to kiss

The pleasantries soon came after

“How may I serve the Autumn Queen?”

Albeit too distanced for my liking

All in a golden afternoon

Under the skies of cloudless blue

Ensuing our concurred rendezvous

In a white chariot you arrived

Dashingly handsome like a prince

My fated king if the universe

Enthused and kind to duly conspire

Into the barren garden you walked

Tall and wearing a Cheshire Cat smile

Soon enough I gladly allowed you

To caress the depths of my being

The entirety of my core enthralled

All in a golden afternoon

Under the skies of cloudless blue

A long winding journey it took

For another day of rendezvous

My ardent longing of your touch

At last, here you were fulfilling

Leave not, I mutedly told you

Our brimming teacups intertwined

Entangled in gardens by the beach

May guileful time engross us thence

A mosaic on my crown quite unreal

Depart you did obliviously

All in a golden afternoon

Under the skies of cloudless blue

The sun drifting back to horizon

Heavens painting hues of twilight

Moments stolen too blissfully

Sentiments suppressed so eagerly

Words spoken rather cautiously

Beyond gray walls chirping birds dance

Fallen leaves scattered like blown sand

Escape I must through the rabbit hole

Lest I be bonkers as Mad Hatter

Begone, Barbie in Wonderland

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