Two characters erupt into a heated argument.

Capture the intensity of the fight through dialogue, body language, and details of their surroundings that reflect the rising tension.

Powder Keg

Her body begins to tense, fists clenched. An overwhelming heat consuming her from within. As a volcano bubbles before erupting, she too is close to an explosion of monumental proportions. She bites her tongue, tasting the bitterness of blood as she struggles to contain her mounting anger.

He stands still, behind the brown and white counter with the marble backsplash he despises. His wife, albeit estranged, a woman he once adored glares at him. The piercing glare of her eyes searing his skin. He feels his heart pulsating, beating faster and faster at the thought of his wife's wrath. He inhales a deep breath, his chest rising.

"This is the last time I allow myself to listen to your lies" Hissing and emphasizing the word _lies _at him

"Where is it?" She continues, leering at him.

He begins to speak but she cuts him off.

"Let me remind you who owns everything. Not you, not your fucking mistress. Me!"

"I don't know what you're talking about" the stuttering voice of her husband declares.

The window in the kitchen is open, the wind picking up as the tension rises between the two. She slams it shut as she walks over to him. Her face scrunched in disdain.

"If I don't have the envelope in my hand within five minutes, you know who I'm calling"

His eyes dart around the room. He knows who she will call. It's not worth the risk.

"Fine, you really know how to ruin people's lives. One day you'll get yours" raising his voice slightly but in a controlled manner.

Fishing into his pocket clumsily, knowing time is of the essence, he pulls out the envelope. Her eyes widen, eyebrows raised. Her lips pursed, her face visibly enraged but a calmness washing over her as she sees it.

As he leans over the counter to hand her the envelope, he grabs a lighter from his pocket. A glimmer of mischief within him.His jaw is tight, his hands trembling.

"Do not do anything stupid" she warns him while grabbing her phone.

The flick of the lighter was instant and the envelope went up in flames. The smell of chemicals emanating from it.

"Nooooo!" Her wails of agony echoing through the kitchen.

Trying to put out the flames, she frantically grabs at the package, clawing at it with her fingers. Screeching as each ember detaches on to her skin. She slumps to the floor as the burnt out remnants float to the floor. The intoxicating white powder now black soot. The scent of smoke filling the room.

"There, you got your prize" grunts her husband as he walks away for good.

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