"I wish...I wish..."

"Don't you dare say it!"

Continue this dialogue.

Christmas Eve

“I wish..I wish…” “Don’t you dare say it!” “Why not?” “Because then it won’t happen, dummy.” Sarah sat back from the window, where she and her sister were looking out into the cold, clear night. “How do you know everything?” “Because,” Peggy replied, “I’m older and know more stuff.” It was hard to argue with that logic, the 6-year-old girl thought. Peggy was almost 8! “If I say it in my head, it’s ok then?” “Yes,” the older sister said. “Then it’s safe. Once you actually say it into the air, the Good Luck fairies get scared and fly away somewhere else.” “Okay. Well I’m getting tired. I don’t think Santa wants to be seen anyway.” Sarah jumped from Peggy’s bed to her own. Peggy kept watching, her hands getting cold from the window sill. She waited til Sarah was asleep, which never took long, then tucked herself in. Soon, both were fast asleep. Very, very gently, the closet door opened. The Good Luck Fairy peered out into the dark. “I think it’s safe now,” Fortuna whispered, though she really didn’t need to, as their voices were so soft already. “Whew!” Sighed Penelope, flapping a dust bunny off her gossamer wing. “I thought Peggy was gonna spill the carrots!” “Beans,” Fortuna corrected. “Now let’s get going. We have a wish to fulfill.” “So excited!” Penelope squeaked. “I love this time of year, even if it is a bit stressful.”
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