A Simple Job

“Do we have a backup plan?” Nelle asked Matthias, shouting to be heard over the roaring wind. She was pinned behind a fallen bookcase, trying to stay low enough to avoid be clobbered by flying objects, while Matthias was crouched beneath a shattered window using a large book as a shield.

“That was the backup plan!” He yelled back, diving to the floor as several sharp objects took exception to his presence.

‘A simple job,’ the boss had said, ‘No one will be home and you’ll be in and out before anyone is the wiser.’ It seemed Matthias will have to have a conversation with the boss regarding the definition of ‘simple.’ And about leaving out certain important details.

Nelle peeked over the bookcase and tried to see who or what was directing this mayhem. “What happened to the first plan? And where is Sandy?”

“They both flew out the window when we found out the mark is a gods-cursed wizard!” A wizard who was, apparently, one very skilled at setting trap-spells for unwanted guests.

“What about the backup to the backup plan?” Nelle asked.

“That one requires rope!”

“Didn’t we bring rope?” Instead of responding, Matthias just pointed to the window. Right. Sandy had the rope on her during her untimely departure from the wizard’s library.

Matthias decided to try to join Nelle behind the bookcase. As he dodged and swerved to avoid getting clobbered, she noticed a pattern in the flying circus. While she had to avoid quills or a tome now and then, it was not like the items were after her. Not like Matthias, anyway. It was almost as if the library had targeted him him.

‘Not him,’ Nelle thought, ‘the book.’ It was the same book that Sandy had picked up before a chair sent her through the window.

“Matthias!” Nelle called to him. “Put the book down!”

“What?” She watched in horror as the rug he was standing on pulled itself out from under him. As he struggled back to his feet, she could see a gigantic stone globe rushing towards him.

“Let go of the book!” Nelle screamed.

Matthias heard her and immediately dropped the book. Everything in the room froze. Nelle slumped against the bookcase as everything slowly righted itself. Matthias stepped out of the book’s way as it floated back to desk.

They heard a sound outside the window. They looked at each other and rushed over. Matthias carefully swung the repaired pane of glass outward and and stuck his head outside.

On the balcony below stood a dazed Sandy. She squinted up at him and when she recognized him, she grinned and waved. No permanent harm done.

“Hey!” She shouted up to him. “What’s the plan?”

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