A person finds themselves in a strange, unfamiliar place.
Use sensory language and vivid imagery to describe the setting and the character's feelings of disorientation and uncertainty.
I think I'll go crazy before I even start
I knew what I was doing when I took up the job.
But this--
Reality finally struck me.
I don't know where I am. I don't know what I should do. The suffocating black skies and endless gray land blind my eyes.
The mind numbing fear is crowding through my head. Where am I? I scramble for the answer, examining every nook and cranny of this dreadful place. There's nothing familiar. This is not Earth.
I should know what I'm doing. I was briefed over this.
But the abyss was a place I couldn't imagine. And even while being in it, I couldn't comprehend. This place, this monstrosity, I wish to leave.
But I made a promise. I created a contract. Without me, the world would end and Earth would be swallowed by the maws of the shadows.
But this place is desolate and cold. So cold my skin is burning. So desolate that I can almost imagine the ghosts of the past looking over me.
Should I look for food? Water? Shelter?
The abyss is a different place. A place not fit for mortals. I wouldn't find mortal necessities.
Millions of questions run through my head, but all I do is move forward. Move to anywhere but the place I had started. With a weapon by my side and clothing wrapped around my entire figure, I look for the monsters. The monsters I need to defeat.
But it's cold. Cold and desolate and dark. It makes me think of the warmth of home. Good food, lovely people, comfortable shelter.
This place is the opposite of all that.
For me to stay here until the end of time... I don't think I can do it.
I think I'll go crazy before I even start.