Inspired by Aubrey
Describe an alien species which has inhabited earth.
As well as describing their physical appearance, try to find interesting and unusual aspects of this species that you could include. Perhaps their movement, their language, their living habits; anything that can be described in high detail.
They are tall, taller than anything we’ve ever seen. The smallest couldn’t have been shorter than 9’0.
They are dark in complexion, darker than the night sky. Their skin is dotted with bright dots, like stars.
They have eyes of black holes, swirling but so silent. Some claimed to have seen more than two eyes on them.
They have japing jaws, teeth like needles. Stretching down their faces like it was melting off, their mouth hardly moves.
They have wings, fragile as a butterfly’s, but pure white. The wings are damaged, they don’t seem to fly anymore.
They move in unison, like a marching band. But each of them one moves to, or does something different.
They speak in cries of the damned. There have been reports of those hearing their lost loved one’s cries in these things’ mouths.
They twitch and shudder, like they’re being electrocuted. Someone claimed to have touched them, though. Apparently, they’re so cold that it burns to touch them.
They don’t seem to understand us, if they do, they’re doing an excellent job at ignoring us. Even when they’re faced with gun threats.
They don’t seem to be violent.
They haven’t eaten anything since appearing, perhaps they don’t eat. Some speculate they are like plants, consuming the moon’s light.
They appeared like meteors, fallling fast from the skies. Landing atop buildings, trees, and cars.
They will not leave, maybe they cannot. They may not want to, we’re too scared to treat them harshly.
They lurk in the shadows, thriving in when the sun goes down. They enjoy knocking over garbage bins and dumpsters.
They can run fast. Really, really fast. They look like a blur, a smudge on the glass. You wouldn’t even know if they were right behind-