The Return

Charley untwisted the bag of rolls and emptied them into the bowl.

β€œHey, Uncle Chuck,” Nicole said, strolling into the kitchen, her flip-flops slapping on the linoleum.

He was still getting used to a grown-up Nicole. No longer the baby he once knew.

β€œDinner is almost ready,” he said. β€œPhyllis is finishing up the burgers.”


The family sat around the fire pit, digesting their hot dogs, burgers, various salads, washed down with cheap beer and wine coolers.

β€œIt’s good to have you back, Chuck,” Mom said. β€œHow is the job search going?”

β€œGeez ma, give the guy a little time!”

That was Randy. Always defending me, Chuck thought.

β€œI have to brush up on my skills,” Chuck said. β€œIt’s been a while.”


Chuck stared at the monitor.

β€œNeed help?” The librarian asked. Chuck looked up at the pleasant young woman, her arms holding several books.

β€œI’m just getting used to things again,” he said. β€œThis computer is newer than the one at my old place.”

The woman set the books down and pulled up a chair.

β€œHow can I help?”

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