
Sirens echoed around the dock, piercing into my brain. They were too late. Icy black waves were stained red with blood. My head spun in circles, trying to explain what I just witnessed. Death is something of grief not glory, but right now in this place, I am glad it has taken place. 2 people, an icy death and horrid pasts. Police grabbed my arms and shook me as tears trailed down my face. Fear for what lurked in the depths of the lake was all I felt. This was of my worse nightmares. It was 00:15 by the time they’d gotten me to the station. I sat on a blue chair and stared at a plastic clock as I waited. The only sounds were my breathing and officers muffled talking, they thought I did it.

“Will Raven Knight come to the front desk please.”

The lady at the desk had long white hair that draped down her back, her eyes were a bright blue and she was really pale, she was wearing a pink flowing dress that bounced around her waist.

“Sheriff Davy will escort you to the interrogation room.”

The sheriff was tall and broad, he had chestnut brown eyes and scattered freckles, his red hair was fluffy and pooled into his eyes. “Miss knight I am aware you were a witness to the death of Morise Berman and Craig Norman,”

He had a thick Irish accent and sounded stern. “Me and my colleagues are aware there were no other living people in the vicinity. Therefore you are the only suspect who could’ve committed this crime.”

My heart thrummed in my chest. I knew they thought this of me but now this situation has become a reality.

“I am not a killer, if anything I am the opposite.”

Anger rushed to my cheeks, heating them up.

“People like you always judge people like me,”

I let all my bottled up emotion out towards him.

“The fear and hopelessness that I felt sitting on that dock made me physically sick but YOU don’t care, YOU decided to blame ME for the shitty things that happen in this world!”

Finally I fell to my knees sobbing uncontrollably. I was unable to breathe and my eyes stung, I could feel my throat burning.

“What is wrong with you?”

His voice echoed around the room taunting me.

“What’s wrong with me?! Me?!?! What about YOU!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!!!!”

I blurted out in a fit of rage, all my life people like him have judged me. I have finally hit my breaking point.


He was loud, too loud for me. My head spun as I violently shook, my stomach churned inside me. It was at this moment I had realised I was going to have a breakdown. I flew out the door in search for a bathroom. His echoed screams flung around like dodgeballs. Puke sprayed into the toilet as I knelt to calm myself. Salty tears streamed down my face, hitting the floor like rain. Suddenly I felt myself being dragged by the arms.

“This is why you were accused. You are manic and psychotic. Until we rule you out for murder this is your home.”

Laughter. The sound of cackling bounced of the walls.

“Perhaps I am crazy, a maniac even psychotic. But what is it YOU are,”

This was the side I was hiding, the true me.

“W-what do you m-mean?”

That cowering bastard.

“I know your dirty little secreeeeet!”

I sung this while looking him dead in the eyes.

“The murders in 1988! Do you not remember?


She wasn’t getting away this easily.

“H-how do you know my name?”

She was getting braver now. I could feel it.

“Officers arrest her! Ember Norman cannot be trusted!”

Now wasn’t this just delicious?

I got to kill her father as revenge because she killed mine.

“It was my mission to dispose of the miscreants!”

This was true.

“Agent Knight! Spectacular work on you disposal and detainment mission!”

Finally my revenge.

“Thank you Sir. Is my mission over?”

Im glad this is over.

“Yes, your relieved of your duty!”

My acting skills paid of for once. Salty tears that have no emotional value gad stained my face, my hair was in a messy cluster and my clothes were dirty.


I hope you enjoyed this story!

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