Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.
"She's not who she says she is."
Write a story that involves this line of speech.
The Real Enemy
She hurried through the streets. “Please let there be time,” she whispered to herself as she got closer to her destination.
“What are you doing?” The voice floated through the air toward her, but she didn’t stop. She knew what he wanted. She started to run.
“I see how it is.” The voice came again, and someone stepped into her path. A guy around her age wearing a dark overcoat and dark glasses watched emotionlessly as she fell to the ground after tripping over the foot he had planted in her path. She hit her chin and elbows on the sidewalk, but the pain didn’t register. She was already high on adrenaline. She couldn’t stop. With a groan she pushed herself to her feet. She stood shakily. But before she could take a step, his hand clamped down on her shoulder. He spun her around so she was facing him.
“Let go of me.” She didn’t meet his eyes as she said it.
“We need to talk.”
“We will,” she finally agreed. “But not right now.” Right now, she needed to be several blocks down, stopping a murder.
“Why not?” He demanded. She finally met his eyes. She saw his expression darken.
“What has he done now?”
“It’s bad.” She nearly started crying. “It’s bad. I have to go. Let me go.”
“Okay.” His hands lifted from her shoulders “Where are we going?”
She told him, and a moment later they were there. Travelling through the shadows of the city was far quicker than running through them. But when they arrived, she feared they were already too late.
“Grey! Don’t do this!” She shouted as she ran toward him. His face had splatters of blood on it, and he carried a knife that was not clean.
He was dressed in a hero’s suit, a dark cape flying behind him, his symbol on his chest for all to see. But he was no hero. No one knew but Taylan and her. They had planned to expose him. Until she’d gotten word from Lyra about an intruder at her apartment.
“No,” she sobbed, falling beside the body at his feet. It was Lyra. Her best friend. He had taken her to get revenge.
It was all her fault.
“She’s not dead.” Grey told her, his voice void of warmth or kindness.
She looked up at him through blurry tears. “What?”
“It’s fake.” He touched the knife and showed her the blood on his fingers. It was too red.
Her sobbing slowly subsided and her body shook as she struggled to catch her breath.
“Why?” She gasped as Gray crouched down beside her.
“I knew you survived,” he sneered. He had drawn her into the open. Just as she’d feared.
The last time she’d seen him, he’d tried to kill her.
He had found out she had the ability to manipulate mechanical devices and revert them back to gears and pieces. She’d been his ally, but he’d felt threatened, especially after she’d suggested the idea that they could work together publically.
Taylan had rescued her before the knife Grey had plunged into her stomach took her life.
Grey didn’t carry a gun now. He had a knife, once again. There was nothing she could do if he decided to plunge it into her heart. She was sure he’d aim true a second time.
She looked up at him and wiped the tears from her cheeks. He grabbed her arm and forced her to stand. His knife pressed against her neck. She willed herself to stay calm as they turned to face the other witness.
“You should go, Taylan.” She managed to say.
“And miss this moment?” He spread his hands wide.
“My two favorite people in one place. I can’t wait to see what we do.”
“We are going to do nothing. Though I wonder.”
“Wonder what, brother?” Taylan quirked an eyebrow.
“Do you know your partner as well as you think you do?”
“Gray,” she began, but his grip tightened painfully on her arm and she fell silent.
“Do enlighten me.” Taylan’s voice was calm and cool, even as his hand inched toward his weapons.
“She’s not who she says she is.”
“Who is she then?” Taylan questioned.
“Did she tell you her mothers name?”
“No,” she gasped, but he ignored her.
“She did not.” Taylan admitted. His eyes met hers. She winced as Grays knife pressed into her neck. A single slash and she’d be dead.
“Please,” she breathed.
“It’s Kata. Kata Sif.”
Taylans eyes widened.
“Your mother is the Director of the Enhanced Individuals Unit?”
The unit they all belonged to. Genetically altered with enhanced senses and special abilities, all three of them were borne from that unit. And they all answered to Kata Sif. But she hadn’t told Taylan. She hadn’t wanted him to see her like that. Too late.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Taylan asked, his voice a little shaky.
“I’m sorry.” She couldn’t stop the tear from slipping from her eyelid and rolling down her cheek.
“Are you?” Gray’s voice growled in her ear.
“I didn’t mean to lie. I just didn’t want you to think…” her voice trailed off. She didn’t want to make excuses. She had lied. She’d deal with it.
Her eyes met Taylan’s again. She was surprised by the strength of his gaze. He watched her intently.
“I know why,” he said, not unkindly. “I understand.”
He took a deep breath and let it go.
“It’s okay.” He smiled faintly.
“Seriously?” Gray demanded. “You’re letting it go? She’s the enemy. She lied to us, and she put you at risk. You were at her house. What would Kata Sif do if she found you there?”
“Technically, I made the decision to go.” Taylan pointed out. “She tried to stop me. Several times.”
“What?” Gray scoffed. His grip on her arm momentarily loosened. Realizing this may be her only opportunity, she reached up and pulled the knife away from her neck while elbowing Gray in the stomach. He gasped, stumbling back, and she turned, throwing the knife as far away as she could. It landed a couple rooftops away, skittering on the surface.
Gray snarled and lunged, but she ducked, nearly tripping over Lyra. She scrambled back from Gray. He was strong and fast, faster than her. This fight wouldn’t last long. She spared a glance at Lyra. But she had to try.
Just before he reached her, something dark slammed into him. Taylan stood over her instead, offering a hand to help her to her feet. She took it, rubbing her neck as she stood.
“Thank you.” She said. For more than what he had just done.
He nodded, his eyes dark with determination. “Always.” His promise returned to her. It was like they were back in her house, sitting opposite each other and strategizing over the dinner table. She’d confessed her worries about confronting Gray. He’d assured her, saying “I won’t let him hurt you.” He said it again.
She glanced toward Lyra. “This time you might get hurt,” she worried aloud.
“Eh.” He shrugged with a smile. “If I was worried about that, I’d be in the wrong business.”
Fair enough. She returned his smile. Together they turned to face Gray.
“You’ll fight for her, even after she lied?” Gray demanded, rising to his feet and touching his bloody lip with one hand.
“I will.” Taylan raised his chin. “She may have lied, but she’s not the enemy.” He glanced at her. “She never was.”