The main characters are stuck in a labyrinth; it has no exit, but they do not know that.
Write their story; how can such a story end?
We came around the corner of the hedge wall, only to find that we must continue down the path lined again with towering hedges. Green, thick, bushy walls, much too dense to see-through or even to attempt to force our way through. These healthy and neatly trimmed hedge walls are inconveniently too high to see above. If we want to know what’s around the corner, we literally have to turn the corner to see if there is hope or more disappointment. So far the turning of every corner has led to the same sight. A lined path of hedging persuading us the next turn will look different. We have walked so many of the enticing paths getting around the corner either turning left walking more to peek around the corner. The next intersection to turn right just to be faced with more of the same, each corner seemed to insist it was different from the last the joke was on us as we were desperate to be faced with an opening. The hedges seemed to be insisting that we look around just one more corner. Every step we took forward we implored the hedges to reveal a new sight to us. It is possible we chose a poor path that will never open for us, but maybe with each turn we get closer to a clearing and exit something that gets us out of this insanity of bush work. What if the next corner is the one that finally shows us determination pays off that we stayed the course and now the reward of persistence will be presented to us. It didn’t seem like there was any hope behind us so even though going forward seems like the encouragement of insanity we pushed onwards. I suppose we will just continue one foot in front of the other. One hedge lined path after another. Like a bad dream it just feels never ending. Not fully awake or peacefully sleeping we were just persisting.