After decades of enslavement by an alien race, your character has worked out how to win freedom for mankind.
Tell their story.
The Lordkins
We were enslaved by a powerful race the lordkins. They wrecked havoc on many of races throughout the galaxy and happened to find earth. They were a race of greed, hatred, death. Death followed them everywhere and terror rised in the hearts of many nations. Their army were thousands upon thousands. Millions. I wondered how these savages think, I watch them annihilate thousands. Control everything. Their technology was advanced as ours was primitive. Forces of thousands walked slaves in a line. Soldiers holding guns haunted the world. On television was a message from their leader vikan and he terrified our planet and massacred millions. Little children screamed as they stormed through the homes of mankind marking humans with a code. This code was in a database of billions. We had a war with the lordkins. Our army was not strong enough to win this war with this race. Troops, helicopters, and jets flew everywhere around the war site. I watched as explosions blew up tanks. I still managed to live enslaved to this race. They brought their technology to conquer our planet and everyday the same message was televised. Work or die. We are the lordkins. They overruled our governments and took over every fucking thing. They brought drugs to take over our pharmaceutical industry. I took pills to engage in this phenomenon. These drugs altered states of consciousness. I smoked mariguana and drunk a 40 ounce of Old English. This race was a magnificent race they took people lives and let them do anything. I was a billionaire. Endulging in all their riches. Fast cars, money, women. I was living the high life. The lordkins evolutionized the world. They could do anything. I was at home watching the N G B A. The national galaxy basketball association was a sports entertainment organization that made millions to come and play basketball at a high level. My favorite team the Chicago Angels was a terrifying team of angels that played the rawest way ever. I was entertaining my guests when a televised message was broadcast. A televised service for iguana a mariguana industry that selled millions.