Finally, We Found Something.

“Jacob!” I called out. “I think I found something!”

“What is it?!” He yelled back, walking toward the giant mechanical structure that was half submerged in hard icy snow. I had just barely been able to even climb up the slippery slope when I noticed something within the wreckage of the ship.

“I have no clue honestly! But it seems different from all the other random crap we’ve found here!” Jacob made his way over, yelling something back to me, though I couldn’t quite hear him over the loud swirling breeze. I thought it would be less windy actually going inside the ship, but to my dismay and surprise, it actually just made it three times worse.

“What?!” I called back, my voice slightly cracking from the dryness in my throat. He shook his head and seemed as if he sighed. After a couple more seconds he managed to get to the base of the broken icy ramp I had just climbed up.

“I said is it actually something this time? The last seven things you’ve found have just been trash.”

“No I’m sure this time seriously.” I argued. Everyone thought I was just some annoying science nerd who stayed in the lab, researching and reading, but I loved adventure. Of course I wanted to nerd over everything we found in these wreckages, find their uses, hidden details, but everything I had found so far has been garbage. I found them interesting either way, they all looked so different from the technology we used. I stoped caring if it was trash or not years ago, and learned to appreciate every little detail. Of course the other science didn’t care, all they were interested in were the things that could upgrade our current technology, give us more power. I simply wanted to learn what these non-earthly things did in their lives, and why each of these tiny devices mattered to them. They each had to have a purpose right?

“Alright then,” Jacob sighed, “let’s see what you dug up this time Avery.”

“It’s Dr. Cahira to you.”

“Come on sis, do I still have to call you that?” I rolled my eyes and passed him the small trinket I had found in the rubble. Jacob was my brother in law, married my little sister Sarnia, though he always thought he was better, smarter than me. Of course he was wrong, he was just one of my annoying coworkers. I really don’t know what my sister saw in him, though I don’t have the right to make decisions for her like that.

“Oh actually Aver- Dr. Cahira, this looks like something important?”

“Why do you question it?”

“Sorry it’s just hard to believe you found something useful for once.” He snickered. I started to get angry. I grinder my teeth but took a deep breathe to calm myself down. That ended up accidentally making myself yawn, which would have seemed rude to anyone when having a conversation with them, but I was happy to seem annoyed with him, because oh I really was.

“So,” I cleared my throat, “what do you think it is?”

“From what I could tell, it seems to be a communication device.”

“Yeah that’s what I was thinking.”

“Of course it is.” He replied sarcastically. The nerve he had, I wanted to slap him so hard he-

“Jacob! Avery!” I heard my sister call over the wind. “It seems like you found something!”

“Hey Sarnia!”

“It’s Dr. Ruri to you, Jacob.” She smiled and laughed, coming over to kiss his cheek. “So, what did you find Avery?”

“Oh so she can call you Avery-“

“We think it’s a communication device.” I cut him off. “Though I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work…”

“Here let me see.” She said smiling, taking the odd gadget into her palms. “It seems like the power source has been removed, but if we can find a way to recharge it…that might help us with contacting these strange creatures.”

“Ha, see I told you I can be useful.” I snarled at Jacob, who just rolled his eyes. I could feel the ice cold weather penetrating my lungs, though I was too excited to pay attention to it. We might have finally found something that could take us to the next step with this odd case. Give us some more answers. Though this team was definitely a strange bunch of people, some I like better than others, everyone here is smart, and has an important role to play in this adventure, and I’m so thankful to be a part of it.

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