Describe a world that has no nights.

Consider how this may affect human physiology and behaviour.


The world lost its nights

Many years ago.

Or rather, the world stopped spinning.

What had been in darkness was left in darkness,

Ice grew into age and a half.

The other side of the globe was gifted with the sun’s undivided attention,

A curse in itself some might say,

Just be sure when you go out to look away

From its blazing gaze.

Trust me when I say it’s always there,

That same spot in the sky

That gives the most glare

Blinds every driver, every pedestrian

So the people go slow as each day begins.

And maybe there are 24 hours of ongoing light,

But we’ve stuck to the clock

From when we still had the moon.

Blackout curtains have been purchased,

The rooster’s not to be trusted

Solar energy has skyrocketed

While everyday energy plummeted.

There’s no sneaking out in the dark,

No “lights out”

Or midnight strolls in the park.

Since there is no night to be a dangerous time,

Every time is dangerous, kidnappings in broad daylight.

The nocturnal creatures have migrated,

Growing thicker cloaks and sharper claws,

Hiding in eternal shadows of the other side,

They are fans of attacking without probable cause.

And this place,

Such a lighter brighter world

Might be a bit different,

But it’s still our earth.

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