Submitted by an anonymous user
"All I wanted was a lazy Sunday, but now I have to kill you."
Use this piece of speech in a story of any genre.
A Not So Lazy Sunday
I was having a great day so far, I made myself some coffee and sit myself at the bay window located at the back of my parents Victorian styled home. I like looking out this window because it faces the woods behind in the backyard. The room I’m sitting is wallpapered with blue flowers and ornate couches sit opposite each other with a beautiful mahogany table between them. My mom always keeps a little silver tea set in the center for decoration. I flip my book open in my lap, and delve right in. I love getting up before everyone else to sit in the peace and quiet. I like to do this every Sunday morning, it’s really the only time that the rest of the family sleep in, which just means more alone time for me.
That all changed though, when I hear my little whirl wind of a sister come bounding down the old wooden stairs, they creak loudly in protest. With a sigh I try to dive back into the story but the sounds of clinking in the kitchen are distracting. What is she doing in there? I wonder trying to lean back enough to see into the kitchen but to no avail. I don’t have to wait long until my sister trots into the room with a big glass of iced tea, she smiles a wide toothy grin at me, dimples showing. She’s still in her pink night gown and her brown hair braided on either side of her face.
“Good morning!” She sings almost dancing as she makes her way to me from the other side of the room.
“Morning.” I grumble irritated that my quiet time is gone, even though it had barley started to begin with.
I wasn’t expecting to be showered in ice cold tea only a moment later. I gasp loudly and throw my book down on the bay seat and stand up. Looking down the entire front of my shirt is drenched. My sister now on the floor looks up at me with wide eyes, from what I can see she had tripped on the coffee table’s leg and now I’m soaked in tea because of it.
I turn slowly to her with a glare and she smiles sheepishly at me. “Sorry?” She squeaks.
“All I wanted was a lazy Sunday, but now I have to kill you.” I growl and then the next moment she’s up and I’m chasing her. Taking every corner a little to fast and I try to not to slip with my socked feet.
“Mom!!” My little sister screams running for the stairs.
“Oh no you don’t!” I yell after her and just at she got the stairs I got ahold of her arm and then we’re rolling on the floor while I give her a wet willy she’ll never forget.
“EWW!!” She screams and tries to wiggle away.
“You could of ruined my book!”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean too!”
The sound of foot steps from atop the stairs freezes us.
“What is going on?! It’s to early for this” my mom grumbles down at us with her coldest glare. I release my sister and we apologize while standing up.
“I don’t care what happened just keep it down, you guys are old enough to work it out on your own.” She snips at us.
“Yes mother” we say in unison and slink off back into the bay windowed room with only the sound of my moms grumbling behind us. My sister looks at and I at her and we laugh.