Write a love story without using any dialogue.
Think about how you can drive a clear narrative and develop your characters without anyone speaking.
Stranger At The Bar
From across the bar his jade eyes pierce my soul deeper than the scotch burns my throat. My heart knew him, but I did not. I throw back another shot. His eyes danced as if he knew every inch of me.
Fresh air calls my name, my nerves call a smoke. He follows, lites me up, takes my hand and I follow. He stops next to a granite black bike. It rumbles to life and with noons hot sun beaming over us we take off into the unknown.
I held onto the back of my seat and press my body into his. The wind sweeps my golden brown hair behind me. The streets of Mexico City are a blur of gray, all that is in focus is him. With the seat vibrating between my legs, his hand clenching my thigh - my head swims.
Where he’s taking me, I don’t care. I lean into him, he smells of leather, salt, tobacco and whiskey. Beads of sweat drip down his neck and I open my mouth for a taste. I close my eyes and drink him in. Warm iron, salty thick blood fills my mouth.
When I open my eyes we are someplace underground. All I smell is wet dirt, moss and him. We stand toe to toe reading each others eyes. Alone at last.
It was just the beginning of the most dangerous love story told.