The Vampire Says Goodbye

Being the master chef at an exclusive, high end restaurant was the perfect disguise. Few would suspect me based on my appearance alone, my petite figure, curls pulled into a poof on my head, and smooth, brown skin made me seem harmless. Wearing children’s clothes furthered my disguise of a helpless innocent. The last person you would expect to cause anyone harm. My appearance alone wasn’t enough. If I stayed somewhere long enough, people began to notice they had never seen me outside during the day. Excuses would work for a time, but then the hunters would start showing up. Even in this modern age when few believe in the supernatural there are those who believe, those who’s families have been hunting us for generations. This is where the restaurant comes into play. Several decades ago, I found this to be an excellent cover. I could be seen at fish markets just as dawn was arriving. Without ever stepping into daylight people connected my with the day. Then my restaurant served only dinner and opened late in the evening. I made sure to make dining in my restaurant a unique, luxurious experience. It was fabulous, and the late opening hour was just one of it’s many quirks.

The restaurant business became a boon. A way to stay in one place for years without questions. Truthfully, it also supplied me with an excellent food supply. The dinners would be so full of good food and wine, they didn’t notice the bite, and if they felt fatigued the next day it was chalked up to too much wine and staying out too late. They never noticed the blood loss.

So why tell you now, you may ask? I tell you this now Marco, because you have been a true and loyal friend and I think you deserve the truth. I know that you have noticed my oddities, and have for some time suspected that things are not as they appear. I haven’t met another of my kind in over twenty years. I have been roaming this planet for 200 years, and I’m done. By the time you read this I will be ash on the wind. Goodbye my friend.

P.S. I named you as executor of my estate. You may contact Cain and Son’s Law Firm to carry out my last wishes. They know what I am, and you only need this letter of proof. They will arrange everything.

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