If you put a special mixture on your eyelids before sleep, you will dream of how you will die.
Describe what you dream the night you decide to finally do it. Remember it is a dream, so it can have surreal elements that don't make logical sense, but still have meaning.
Dreaming Death
(This is another rushed story.)
After many months of watching commercials, seeing billboards and having random strangers asking to buy it, I have finally obliged. I’m going to try EyeCream, a product said to give you realistic visions of the future when you go to sleep. So realistic, it feels like a lucid dream.
After I laid down, I applied the cream to my shut eyelids and fell asleep. The cream worked within minutes. I awoke to find myself in a jail cell, although I don’t remember doing anything wrong. The cell opened, a guard was outside.
They said, “it’s time.”
Time for what? Just then, more guards came and grabbed my arms, dragging me into a room with a chair with straps. I was placed into the wooden chair and strapped down so I couldn’t escape. This seemed like an electric chair!
“Any last words?”
“Um… why am I here?”
Just then, the guard who first visited me got a needle with some type of liquid in it. My brain was injected with the liquid. This caused me to wake up in real life. I woke up from that horrid dream. But why does my body feel slimey?
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