
It’s unmistakable. The soft glow of these creatures in the fog. The dimming sky lets me know that they’re coming out soon.

I shudder. It’s a cool night, and I didn’t wear nearly as many layers as I should have.

Chestnut, my brown horse, whinnies in alarm. My head rapidly turns, my eyes darting around to see what could have startled him.

I knew there was only one thing here that could.

The walls of mist grow higher, thicker. I can’t see more than five feet in front of me, now. I reach into one of the sacks I had strapped around Chestnut’s neck and feel around for a moment. When I’m sure of what I’m touching, I pull a silvery revolver out.

Of course, I know a gun won’t do anything to these creatures. But maybe, just maybe the sound of the shots will scare them off.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see an angelic figure. But it’s the farthest thing from an angel.

I shoot at it. I shoot at it multiple times, desperate to make it disappear. But it doesn’t. It just floats there.

I lock eyes with it. It locks eyes with me. It’s mesmerizing.

I can’t look away. I try, but I can’t. It’s like it has cast a spell on me.

I knew this would happen. I’m foolish, the lowest of the low. Why did I think I could avoid this? All this misty meadow brings is death, and everyone knows that.

Chestnut rears up, neighing in fright. His hooves land back down and something crunches underneath them. I barely make it to my next breath before I guess it was a human skull.

Suddenly, my mind shuts down. I can’t think. I can’t act. I’m barely conscious of anything happening around me.

All I see is the creature.

The glow.





Creature. Closer, now.




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