
Hands tied, eyes shut, cold and tired not exactly how I wanted to start my day off but I’m not complaining. After what felt like hours I heard foot steps from across the room. Half off me excepted them to step towards me but they didn’t, I could hear three steps circling me like a shark. I do t know what made me do this maybe it was because I couldn’t see them, but I spoke.

“If your done admiring me like this is a freaking museum then maybe you could take off my blindfold, so I could see you before I destroy you.” I tried to sound like I wasn’t scared and I was more bored than anything. The don’t know how but I knew his expression had changed from the sound of my voice. He walked over and removed the mask, I could see that he was someone I knew. He was tall, had a strong build but a wholesome look on his face. “Finally talking to me again princess, after all this time. Not like I’m complaining. Do you know how it felt emerald watching you live your life without me? Do you know how hard it was to track you down, I gave you everything and all you did was lock me up and gave up on me.” He spoke with a strong accent of some sort but for some reason I couldn’t place it. He must of seen my bewilderment and assumed he could manipulate me or something, I may have lost my memory but for some reason I remember two things that I was a fighter and that whoever emerald was had good reason to leave him. “Can you please untie me? I’m so sorry and confused, I don’t even know who emerald is?” I even impressed myself with how helpless and pleading I sounded. He walked over and untied my hands. He then turned my chair around, I took this as my sign as I was turning I kicked him hard enough to where I was certain he wouldn’t be able to have kids anymore. As he folded in pain I took the chair and started smashing it against his head, when he was weak I took the rope and tied him to the chair. I was about to leave when I realized that he probably has tools I could use for something. He had a small multi tool, a gun and a phone. I ran to the door as fast as I could, I had to get out of there fast because I could see him starting to wake up. Finally after what felt like hours I got the door open. It was right on the edge of a river and looked to be surrounded by miles of trees. “How am I supposed to get out of here” I thought. I decided to follow the river hoping to find someone, after a while I found a group of kayakers and they let me tagged along. “Sweetie, when we get on land I’m gonna get you to the doctor you look malnourished and stressed.” I knew she was ultimately right, I mean I couldn’t even remember my own name. Plus I felt a connection with her, but not in the tense and emotional way I felt with the boy with the wholesome face. It was a way that felt motherly and sweet like she cared about me even though she probably didn’t even know me. It’s weird because I guess old emerald had a history with my capture, to me he’s the one who killed her and her innocent life, and now I wasn’t going to stop until I have tortured him for all he did to her.

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