My Showcase, My Kingdom

Death within beauty, talent, and grace. As long as you hide the pain on your face. Perform and excite, despite all the fright. Challenge and break the limits in sight. The stage is your castle, you rule it all. Leap, jump, and turn; make sure not to fall. You are the star, the light in this world. They come to see you, so relax and perform. Don’t overthink, don’t miss the next step. The recital’s for a smile, not a place where you wept. Keep your chin lifted, as well as your chest. Engage your core too, you’re doing your best. Don’t bend your knees before you plié. Next comes the sous-sus then the two balancés. Your costume’s your armor, wear it with pride. They may not see it, but your free inside. Dancing together, you made it your own. Too bad this lasts minutes, hours of practice not shown. This is your castle, your family, and home. Everything’s all right, you did it, you’ve grown. It has an end until the next year. You survived and you’ve thrived, with happy tears. This is your kingdom, the place you belong. This is your dream, even if it’s not long. Enjoy the day, before it is gone. This is your passion, so keep going on. Even though there’s pain within this beauty and grace; it is a part of you, this lovely showcase.

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