Write a letter to a friend, from the perspective of someone living 100 years in the future.
What commonplace things might they mention that would surprise a reader now, and how can you use these to drive an interesting narrative?
To The Future
When you read this I will have been dead for at least a 100 years. Where you sit and eat were families there many moons ago. Life was very different from what you know it to be today. We went outside and enjoyed the vast amount of water this planet has to offer. We as a human race enjoyed our day to day activities and pleasures with one another. We went to work, spent time with our families and some of us would travel around the world to different countries to experience culture and different. Although our planet and our Mother Earth were aboundant and rich, we lack appreciation for our time. We had so much but appreciated far less. Our need for greed infected our hearts which infected our minds lead to the destruction of our actions. Our species inhabited a planet suited only for us and over time and many centuries later, we would contribute to the decline of our oxygen and willingness to live. As if we started the fire from within the house, only to realize a grave mistake we have made, but it’s too late and we burn amoung the rubble. Our lives were rich with love and empathy for those we loved and new and for those we didn’t, we could be known to treat unfairly. Even the land we sat and rested upon was stolen from those before us. Now that we are gone and no longer wondering the halls of life, I leave this words to be true and hope that you hold dear. Show compassion. Show Empathy. Embrace love and acceptance for if not yours too will be your undoing.
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