The Kings Violet

“You can’t do this!”

The princess stood with fists clenched and eyes full of tears. Her pain a stark contrast to the lively setting of the Kings feast. Everyone was clad in their best evening attire. The hall was lit with rows upon rows of silver plated candelabras and maids had set out the matching silver goblets and plates. A feast of roasted pig and wine displayed brilliantly on the long solid oak table. The king responded to his daughter with a irritated sigh.

“Sit down girl!” He growled. From his large chair at the head of the table he looked down at her from heavy brows. His face wrinkled as of it was a common expression for him.

“How can I sit and celebrate the murder of my people!” She sobbed. The party of wealthy humans seemed to loose interest at this feud, now that they knew it was about the treatment of elves. It had always been obvious to the court that their princess was not completely human. Her eyes were too pointy, her eyes too large, and her face too pale and slender. They all assumed it was a lapse in judgment, a dalliance with an elf girl that had led to a child. None in the room understood or respected his decision to not only keep her in the palace, but to allow her to be princess.

“Are we not your people as well? What would you have me do? Tell the guard to allow the elves to kill then when they attack? Then who is it being murdered?” The king rebutted, his voice growing louder.

“They only attack when those guards men come into their homes and try to take or kill their friends and family!” She argued.

“Friends and family!” He scoffed.

“Those elves are known or suspected of practicing evil magic! Anyone that would protect or associate with those creatures deserve to be killed!”

The princess looked as if he had struck her upon hearing his response.

“And what is so evil about their magic? Not all that is unknown is dangerous.”

Her voice was like a stream running across smooth stones, soft and calm.

The king stood and slammed his fists on the table, his large jeweled crown nearly falling off his head.

“The very existence of their magic is an abomination! It is an affront to all that is holy and can only lead to damnation! I will not allow their darkness infect my kingdom! And I will not allow my own daughter to defend such abhorrent beings!”

The princess wrapped her arms around her slender frame and shook. Tears flowed again, running down her face. She looked down, defeated and hurt.

The sight of her softened the king.

“Oh my gentle girl. They do not deserve your kindness. Your heart is much to tender for this world but so beautiful. They are not like you, and you are not like them.” He said warmly, and held out a hand to his daughter.

She did not take it.

Her entire demeanor changed at that moment from fragile and meek to confident and hard.

“Your wrong.” A voice cold as ice made the whole room still. The chatter had stopped and all eyes were on her.

The princess looked up at her father with distain behind glowing blue eyes.

The kings eyes grew wide and the color drained from his face. He stood helpless as strands of blue flame circled around her body.

“I’ve tried to reason with you father. I pleaded for mercy. Would you kill me father? Your own daughter is the very thing you despise most in this world. Am I evil to you? Do I deserve to die?!” Her voice echoed through the hall. It took the king several tries to find his voice.

“Please Violet…just calm down…. I didn’t know.”

“How could you know? You don’t even see me as a person do you? I’m just another pretty thing to display in your castle!”

As she became more furious the flames rose higher and swirled faster. Despite the flames the hall grew cold.

Before the king could speak again a sword jutted out from the princesses chest. The flames instantly dissipated and the girl fell as the guard behind her pulled the sword free.

“No!” The king screamed as she fell to the ground. He ran to her and held her in his arms.

“Oh my sweet girl.” He sobbed as the life left her eyes.

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